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CPAs: Principal Place of Business Determines Where You Should Hold Your License

Oct 18, 2022
With remote work becoming the norm, CPAs should know the nuances of working remotely and the importance of their designated principal place of business (PPB). CPAs must use their best judgement to make the PPB determination, but, in some cases, the PPB selection may not prevent the need for a second license.
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CPA Evolution Changes that Will Impact Your CPA Exam Experience

Oct 17, 2022
If you are on your CPA Exam journey and were worried that you would need to pass all four sections of the current exam before the CPA Evolution goes into effect, you can breathe easy. Even though the content is changing, previously passed sections will count under the new model.
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3 Tips to Pass the CPA Exam Faster

Apr 29, 2022
Every CPA Exam candidate’s time is precious. While there are no shortcuts to passing the CPA Exam, there are steps you can take to expedite the process. This blog provides three tips on how to pass the CPA Exam faster so you can start along your professional journey sooner.
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CPA Evolution: More than a Few CPA Exam Changes

Apr 13, 2022
The CPA Evolution Initiative intends to change the CPA licensure model and is expected to take effect in January 2024. As a result, current college sophomores and freshmen will be among the first candidates to take a revised Uniform CPA Examination in 2024. The fundamental shift encompasses a new core-plus-discipline model. Find out more about this big change in this blog.
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Future of Accounting Depends on All of Us Pitching In

Mar 21, 2022
The pipeline of CPAs entering the profession has slowed to a trickle: the number of accounting students pursuing the CPA credential is at a 10-year low. The PICPA, AICPA, and big firms have been working hard to change the prospects for the profession, but individual CPAs and small firms can help too. In fact, they can work together and move things forward more quickly than bigger entities.
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