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When Corporate Finance Has Needs, PICPA Delivers

By Jennifer Cryder, CPA, vice president – operations

Mastering the UnknownsMany of our friends in corporate finance are deep into their year-end close process, likely gearing up for an audit or some tax filings. Whether you’re in the midst of that chaos or your team is already doing a happy dance, the PICPA has a lot to offer our corporate finance members. Here are the top five issues members in corporate finance tell us about, and some of the resources the PICPA offers to help solve your business problems.

  1. A need to grow your network of leaders in accounting and finance.
    Nobody is expected to have an answer to every question, so what you need is to be able to find someone that has the answer. The newly launched PICPA Connect is a virtual discussion group exclusively for PICPA members. In just a few short weeks, discussions have ranged from controlling employee benefits costs to team engagement tactics. This is a great resource for networking with peers and facilitating the exchange of ideas and information.
  2. A need to stay on top of emerging trends affecting your company – like the impact of technology on your business.
    Leaders in corporate finance often are tasked with oversight of the technology function. Even if you don’t have technology folks reporting directly to you, you’ll surely be involved when it comes to budgeting and planning. The PICPA has a suite of resources for accounting and finance professionals in all areas of technology. Right now, we’re helping our members stay on top of emerging areas such as cloud computing, data analytics, business intelligence, and cybersecurity.
  3. A need for an advocate on important issues that could affect your business.
    Where can you turn when your business needs an advocate to present your case to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue or a state legislator? The PICPA has a team in Harrisburg working each and every day on behalf of our members' business interests. From legislator roundtables to meetings with key governmental departments, we are able to leverage our key contacts on our members’ behalf.
  4. A need to develop your skills and the skills of your team, keeping them on the cutting edge to deliver maximum value.
    Busy accounting and finance professionals can struggle to find the time to develop professional competencies. You need solutions that are efficient and effective. The PICPA has a comprehensive catalog of high quality in-person and online courses to fit any schedule. There is an array of courses specifically for corporate finance professionals – from ethics to the application of emerging accounting standards and tax law.
  5. A need for all of this to be simple, and found in one place.
    As a busy corporate finance professional, of course you want all of these resources to be simple and found in one place. I suggest you start at PICPA’s CFOs of the Future page. Here you’ll find resources as diverse and interesting as the members we serve.

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